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 Star Wars Gangsta Rap

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3 participants
AdminGrand Manie Tout
AdminGrand Manie Tout

Masculin Nombre de messages : 493
Age : 1033
Race : Undead
Niveau : 20
Orientation : Archimage
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2007

POs: 20
Métier: Alchimiste

Star Wars Gangsta Rap Empty
MessageSujet: Star Wars Gangsta Rap   Star Wars Gangsta Rap Icon_minitimeLun 13 Aoû - 13:00

Je ne sais pas si vous connaissez? C'est en Anglais, ça parodie star wars, c'est bien fait et ça me fait délirer (en plus la musique est bien... que demande le peuple ?).

Il existe plusieurs versions, voilà quelques unes...

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Vagabond amical
Vagabond amical

Masculin Nombre de messages : 60
Age : 32
Race : Humain
Niveau : 23
Orientation : mago
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2007

Star Wars Gangsta Rap Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars Gangsta Rap   Star Wars Gangsta Rap Icon_minitimeLun 13 Aoû - 14:42

Comprend pas l'anglais moi...
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BibliothécaireSobre Ermite Emérite
BibliothécaireSobre Ermite Emérite

Masculin Nombre de messages : 335
Age : 32
Race : elfe
Niveau : 26
Orientation : équilibré
Date d'inscription : 05/08/2007

POs: 20
Métier: Bibliothécaire

Star Wars Gangsta Rap Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars Gangsta Rap   Star Wars Gangsta Rap Icon_minitimeMar 14 Aoû - 11:43

ça s'écoute une fois mais après je trouve ça moyen.

@pugug : t'inquiète on est 2 ^^
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AdminGrand Manie Tout
AdminGrand Manie Tout

Masculin Nombre de messages : 493
Age : 1033
Race : Undead
Niveau : 20
Orientation : Archimage
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2007

POs: 20
Métier: Alchimiste

Star Wars Gangsta Rap Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars Gangsta Rap   Star Wars Gangsta Rap Icon_minitimeMar 14 Aoû - 12:06

Bon ok je vais vous donner les paroles des 3 premières videos (SW Gangsta Rap 1) en Anglais :

It's not the east or the west side.
No it's not.
It's not the north or the south side.
No it's not.
It's the Dark side.
You are correct.
Keep frontin' the Empire
To all you Vader-haters out there, we'll blow your planet up!

What is thy bidding my master?
It's a disaster, Skywalker we're after.
What if he could be turned to the Dark side?
Yes, he would be a powerful ally, another Dark Jedi.
He will join us or die.

We got death star.(Death Star)
We got death star.(Death Star)
We got death star.(Death Star)
We got death star.(Death Star)
We got death star.(Death Star)
We got death star.(Death Star)
We got death star.(Death Star)
We got death star.(Death Star)
And you know that we got it.(Death Star)
And you know that we got it.(Death Star)

Luke, get your ass over here right now!
Quit monkeying around with that Damned landspeeder
Where are them two droids i asked you to clean, boy?
Have you cleaned your room?

Uncle Owen, I know I'm on probation,
I cleaned the droids,
Can I go to the Hachi Station?
I gotta lay away on the power converter,
But now you treating me like a scruffy nerfherter.

Luke, use the Force and run,
Run to Dagobah, Run to Dagobah,
Luke, use the Force and run,
Run to Dagobah, Run to Dagobah,

I'm Yoda,
I'm a solda,
I'll mold ya, and fold ya,
I thought I told ya,
Don't be unwise judge me not by my size,
You wont believe your eyes,
Watch the X-wing rise.

Yoda, why you being a playa-hata?
You know I must confront Lord Vader.

But Luke not ready are you.

But there's a city in the clouds where their keeping my crew,
A Jedi's gotta do what a Jedi's gotta do,
So now Vader, I'm coming for you.

That's right R2.
Set a new course
We're going to cloud city.
Ah. Thats a mighty fine Gin and tonic
Why dont you mix me up another?

Impressive, now release your anger,
You must have sensed that your friends are in danger.
Ow! why did you slice off my hand?
It's imperative that you understand.
Obi-Wan would never bothered,
To tell the truth about your father.
He told me enough, he told me you killed him!
Then there is something I must reveal then.
I'm your father.
I'm your father.
I'm your father.
I'm your father.
I'm your father.
I'm your father.
I'm your father.

Knock him out the box, Luke.
Knock him out.
Knock him out the box, Luke.
Knock him out.
Knock him out the box, Luke.
Knock him out.
Knock him out the box, Luke.
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Star Wars Gangsta Rap Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Star Wars Gangsta Rap   Star Wars Gangsta Rap Icon_minitime

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